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 Friday, January 18, 2019 12:58 PM
Happy 50th Birthday Tommy!!!
209) |
John Shimota  |
Location: Foley, MN  |
 Tuesday, September 11, 2018 09:34 AM
Remembering you on this day. We were in NY visiting GZ and stopped in the small museum across the street from the church a few years ago and I was looking through a book of the brave who passed away that day. I noticed your last name because I grew up in Foley, MN. I read your story and was touched by it. We then walked over to the infinity pools and one of the first names I saw was Thomas J Foley.
Thank you for your service.
 Tuesday, September 11, 2018 07:49 AM
I'm going to light a candle for you today, Tommy. You are my hero.
 Monday, September 10, 2018 10:34 PM
Thinking of Tommy and his family. You are all in my prayers. I will never forget!!
206) |
Christina Parkins  |
Location: Charlotte, NC  |
 Sunday, September 9, 2018 05:49 PM
I know you all don't know me, but I wanted to share a short message with you. I did the 9/11 Memorial Stairclimb here yesterday in Charlotte, NC and had the distinct honor of wearing Thomas' picture. Our team represented FF Ray Misenheimer FDNY Rescue 3. He was the uncle of my best friend Tracey Kirchoffer and she organized our team. Our team wore the photos of all of the Rescue 3 members that rode in together that morning. It was my honor to wear Thomas' photo. I wanted to let you all know that he is not forgotten, and his sacrifice is still being remembered to this day in a City many miles away. I thank you all for this site and letting me learn more about this young hero. - Christina
205) |
Crystal Norton  |
Location: Richmond VA  |
 Sunday, September 9, 2018 04:15 PM
Today I was given the honor to carry Thomas's badge in the 9/11 Richmond Virginia Memorial Stair Climb held at Suntrust on September 9,2018 in Richmond VA. Thank you for your dedication to your City and Your Country. You shall not be forgotten.
204) |
Brenda Brown |
Location: Englewood Florida  |
 Saturday, June 16, 2018 04:18 PM
I remember when hecwas part of people magazines hottest bachelors .. on Sept 10 2001 as I was cleaning I came acroos the page I tore out of Tom , he was so handsome .I thought it was so strange how I came acroos his article at this time and it sticks with me forever .. his story was so sweet and his smile lingers in my memory .. I may have never met him but he has left a mark on my heart
203) |
Mark W. Gregory  |
Location: Valley Ranch, Texas  |
 Tuesday, September 12, 2017 05:28 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Foley/Gross families on this solemn, 16th anniversary of the horror of 9/11/2001 of which none of us will ever forget. I know that your family has more than had its share of grief and devastating loss over the course of this past decade and a half. May God Bless each and every one of you. Tommy continues to be my inspiration as well as my aspiration every single day. May God Rest His Soul and that of his Mama & Daddy also.
If any of you ever need me for anything, I am here to help as best I can. God Bless All! ~~~Mark In Texas
202) |
Karen Pavone |
Location: Greater Denver  |
 Tuesday, September 12, 2017 03:20 PM
I participated in the Colorado 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb at Red Rocks Amphitheater yesterday and wore Thomas' name badge over my heart.
201) |
Justin Graney  |
Location: Youngsville North Carolina  |
 Monday, September 11, 2017 10:22 PM
I was a student in Tommy's sister Joanne Gross' first kindergarten class at Montgomery Elementary in 1992. I ran into her shortly after 9/11 when she was running a shoe shop in Pine Bush NY. After finding out that I am a fireman, she gave me a remembrance card with Tommy's photo on it. That card has ridden with me for years in my turnouts on many fires, rescues, and other incidents. I always thought it was cool to have Tommy riding with me on every call. I think of her and his sacrifice every 9/11.
Justin Graney
Assistant Fire Chief
Youngsville Fire Department
Youngsville, NC.
 Monday, September 11, 2017 12:33 PM
16 years ago I received a bracelet with Tommy's name. I never met Tommy but I want his family to know I am thinking of him, and them today. I promise I will NEVER forget!! Prayers!!!!
199) |
karen& Ian  |
Location: Oxford UK  |
 Monday, September 11, 2017 05:17 AM
remembering you today, carry your pray card around everyday after you mum gave it to me 14 years ago when we visited the site I believe it keeps me safe, so your still looking after people!!!
198) |
Mark W. Gregory  |
Location: Valley Ranch Irving, Texas  |
 Tuesday, May 30, 2017 04:05 PM
Thinking of the entire Foley family on this Memorial Day Week. You are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday. You know I would not let this solemn time of year pass without paying tribute to Tommy and his Firefighter Brothers for their enormous sacrifices as first responders on that tragic day none of us will ever forget. God Bless you Tommy, my dear friend, and Guardian Angel. I feel your presence with me everyday! Thank you for the inspiration you give me at the gym each day. Your strength and motivation lives through me. Soar with the Angels and know you are never forgotten. ~~~~Mark in Texas
197) |
Mark W. Gregory  |
Location: Valley Ranch (Irving-DFW) texa  |
 Wednesday, January 18, 2017 06:18 PM
 HAPPY 48th ''EARTH'' BIRTHDAY, MY TOMMY BOY! If you could be here with me in Texas right now, I would treat you to the famous and festive Fort Worth Stock Show Rodeo starting today! Oh, I how I wish I could. I know we'd have a blast! I know wherever there is a Rodeo in town, you will be there in Spirit. I wish so much I could join you. So, how does it feel to be forever young in your prime still 32? God's Great Gift of Eternal Youth and life! I know how you, your Mama Patricia, & Daddy Tom are missed so very much here on mortal ground. But at the same time, I can only imagine the ecstasy for the 3 of you & having them join you in Spirit up there in God's Realm. I know you all are busy watching over everyone and doing God's Work from Heaven. BTW . . . . Please keep your promise to meet me there at St. Peter's Gate one day. I look forward to seeing you. I could not let the day pass without saying ''Happy Birthday'' to you, Tommy. I can never repay you for the support, inspiration at the gym each day, and bringing me so much closer to the Lord. I was once a lost sheep and you brought me back to the Lord's flock. You have a heart of gold. We all celebrate your life here as a TRUE HERO! May God forever bless you and the whole family. I'm so proud and honored to be your friend. ~~~~~~Mark in Texas
196) |
Melissa  |
Location: Tappan NY  |
 Monday, January 2, 2017 04:17 PM
Tommy was an amazing guy! Kindest person, RIP, you will never be forgotten! Yours was the hardest service I attended after 911 <3
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Chris Hornick  |
Location: Menominee, MI  |
 Wednesday, September 14, 2016 12:44 PM
I was given to distinct honor to carry Thomas's (Tommy's) badge in the Lambeau Memorial Stair Climb held at Lambeau Field on September 10, 2016 in Green Bay, WI. Home of the Green Bay Packers. Thank you for your dedication to your City and Your Country. You shall not be forgotten.
194) |
Darlene Priest  |
Location: Houston  |
 Tuesday, September 13, 2016 10:09 AM
You'll never be forgotten.
You and your family will always be in my prayers.
193) |
Barbara A Allen  |
Location: Bloomingburg NY  |
 Monday, September 12, 2016 09:32 PM
Dear Casey I just want to say sorry for your loss once again.. Your Uncle was such a beautiful man inside & out ! It looks like he did a lot in such a short life.. He really enjoyed his family & lived life to the fullest <3 Please know he & the other 342 firefighters hang on my wall in a picture frame.. Love to you and your whole family xoxoxoxo
192) |
Mark W Gregory  |
Location: Irving (Valley Ranch), Texas  |
 Monday, September 12, 2016 12:58 PM
Dear Joanne, Danny, and all of the entire extended Foley/Gross families,
My most sincere condolences on the August passing of your father. I have just now learned of this yesterday morning. I am so shocked to learn of your Daddy's passing. I was so hoping to get the opportunity to meet him as well as your whole family since I never got the chance to meet your late mother. This is so sad to hear. My heart and prayers are with you all, as always. We know that your Daddy now rests in God's loving Arms, now joyfully reunited with both Patricia and Tommy. We know in our hearts that Tommy & Patricia watched carefully over your father in his final days and led him to Heaven to join them in God's Realm. God Rest His Soul. I will contact you as soon as I can. I know this is a very busy and especially somber time for the family. I still look forward one day to finally meeting all of you! Just so saddened that I have missed out on the pleasure of meeting your parents.
God's Blessings to You All in this time of sadness and loss. I know God is there for you to lean upon. Trust in His Love and Divine Mercy. He Hears you call out to Him for strength.
With Love and a heavy heart,
Mark W Gregory
Irving, Texas
191) |
Dina Warner  |
Location: California  |
 Monday, September 12, 2016 03:19 AM
I am a law enforcement dispatcher who is working on 9/11/2016. I remember reading the People article many years of Thomas Foley and thinking "he is so handsome"...I was so saddened when I read years later he was one of the fallen heroes of 9/11. I wanted to let you know so many of us have not forgotten him and the other heroes! God bless your family always.
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Kenny Neville  |
Location: ocklawaha FL formerly Boston m  |
 Monday, September 12, 2016 12:01 AM
I rode with Tommy and behalf of his rodeo family we still miss him but are grateful to have known him joked around stuck together behind the chutes god bless you guys the Foley family and sorry for your losses he was a great friend to all of us but we are sll proud of him there hasn't been a day where we have forgotten about him I know the rodeo is a small world but a great one he loved it we loved and we loved him gid bless you Foley family
189) |
Heidi Johnson  |
Location: East Greenwich, RI  |
 Sunday, September 11, 2016 11:27 PM
I learned of Tommy's life tonight in watching "9/11: The Firemen's Story" on the National Geographic Channel. I think it's a very good thing that shows like this are out there for us to know the human stories behind the horrendous events that made up 9/11/01. Tommy gave you so much to be proud of in his lifetime. My heart goes out to all of you, especially his brother Danny who brought him home. I was not personally impacted, but always felt the pain each year. I can't imagine what you live with. Tommy is now an angel. God bless you all
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Darlene Priest  |
Location: Houston  |
 Sunday, September 11, 2016 10:49 PM
You'll never be forgotten.
You and your family will always be in my prayers.
187) |
Jill Pohlman Stoner  |
Location: Ohio  |
 Sunday, September 11, 2016 03:51 PM
Thinking of the entire Foley family today and praying for all of you!
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Eddie  |
Location: Mex, Chih.  |
 Sunday, September 11, 2016 03:32 PM
Los heroes viven por siempre en la eternidad y en los corazones de sus seres queridos.
185) |
Jane Lowe  |
Location: UK  |
 Sunday, September 11, 2016 11:22 AM
Just wanted to say I think of you all on this day and offer a prayer. I came to hear of your son four years ago when his memorial card ended up in front of me in a cafe in NYC. That moment was more powerful than visiting the official memorial for me. I think of you all on this anniversary.
With much love from the UK.
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mike ward  |
Location: Tampa, FL  |
 Sunday, September 11, 2016 10:04 AM
Tommy, I heard your name read aloud this morning at the Ground Zero Memorial Service. It was so tough emotionally when I heard your name. I can only imagine what your Family is feeling on this day. Although we never met, you will always be my Brother in Heart. Thank you for living such a wonderful life in such a short period of time. Thank you for your inspiration to others. Love you Brother, Mike
183) |
Jennifer  |
Location: Southern California  |
 Saturday, September 10, 2016 10:16 PM
Tomorrow is the 15th anniversary of the 9-11 terror attack. Today I climbed for Thomas. I was part of the San Diego 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb, and I climbed for him. I am so proud to have a moment to honor this man that is a HERO and his life was cut short. Thank you for this wonderful site you erected in honor of him and that I can learn about his life and his legacy. Thank you Thomas for your service, your bravery, and for the beauty you brought to this world while you were here.
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Ruth Thomas  |
Location: Wales, United Kingdom  |
 Saturday, September 10, 2016 09:58 PM
Watching a documentary tonight, 15 years since the tragedy.
You were all such brave heroes that day, difficult to comprehend the enormity of what was done to help civilians that day.
In this documenary your brother Danny has spoken for the 1st time. You're like 2 peas in a pod. My heart goes out to you; I'm very close to my sister who I look up to and wouldn't know what to do without her. Xx
181) |
Denise Vermillion  |
Location: San Diego, CA  |
 Saturday, September 10, 2016 06:45 PM
I hiked in a 9/11 Memorial Climb this morning here in North San Diego County. Each of us received a card with the name of a first responder on it, and I got Tommy. I came home and Googled his name, and am so impressed and proud that I could walk for him!
 Saturday, September 10, 2016 06:09 PM
Just watching the documentary on the 15th anniversary of 9/11 and just want to give my deepest condolences and respect for Tommy and all his colleagues for entering a situation which very few people on this planet could do. I am devastated at the loss of life and the tragedy of losing so many heroes at one time. God bless.
 Friday, August 26, 2016 10:32 PM
I just learned of Mr Foley's passing and I am so sorry!! My sincerest sympathies to the entire Foley family!! Always remember that Tommy, Pat, and Tom are your guardian angels and they are with you every day! May God bless you all!!
178) |
Che |
Location: Australia  |
 Friday, August 19, 2016 10:02 PM
Last night, my partner and I watched a documentary about 9/11 for the first time and you were in it. We couldn't believe how brave and selfless you were. A hero is an understatement. Watching and listening to the phone calls, we felt scared, sad and incredibly proud of you all. Thank you for everything you did that day.
We will remember every single one of you always. Bless you brother, you're a true legend.
177) |
mike ward  |
Location: Tampa, FL  |
 Wednesday, August 17, 2016 02:38 PM
Hey Tommy - Looking at your photo today as I often do for inspiration. Peace be with you my younger Brother!
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Osvaldo Mateo  |
Location: Texas  |
 Friday, August 5, 2016 11:22 AM
RIP You will always be remembered.
175) |
Michael Ward  |
Location: Tampa, Florida  |
 Saturday, February 20, 2016 12:29 PM
Thinking of you today. You will never be forgotten. May God bless you and your Mom. Prayers to all of your Family. Mike
 Tuesday, January 19, 2016 09:12 AM
Happy Birthday Tommy.....
 Monday, January 18, 2016 10:12 PM
Happy Birthday Brother
Tony C ret. E-36
172) |
Mark W Gregory  |
Location: Valley Ranch, Texas  |
 Monday, January 18, 2016 12:54 PM
 Happy 47th Birthday, Tommy! I know you are laughing at me . . . .since I know in Heaven that you are forever 32. That's one of the Blessed Gifts of Eternal Life. I wish I could celebrate with you today and all of your family and buddies there with you. I pray that when it is my time to leave this earth, that it will be you to greet me Home. Thank you Tommy for your daily inspiration and all of the lessons you have taught me. Your benevolent spirit is with me all the time. Thank you for your bravery and dedication to all of mankind. So long as I am alive, I will make certain that you are never forgotten. You are my friend for life! ~~~Mark in Texas
171) |
Mark Wayne Gregory  |
Location: Irving (Valley Ranch), Texas  |
 Friday, December 25, 2015 06:04 PM
 Merry Christmas & A Prosperous New Year 2016 to the entire Foley Family. I know both Tommy and his mama, Patricia are with you in spirit this Holiday Season. Do not despair, they are both indeed with you now. I understand how much they both are missed. I totally empathize missing lost Loved Ones at this time of year. My Christmas Wish for you is Peace and Happiness. May God Bless all of you and may He also allow you to feel Tommy & Patricia's presence with you all! ~~~~Mark in Texas
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Jim Foley |
Location: Glasgow,Scotland  |
 Saturday, December 12, 2015 04:47 PM
I visited 9/11 memorial,found out namesake had perished in tragedy,I felt a great sense of pride when i read about Tommy's involvement,you done us Foley's all around the world so proud,God Bless Tommy,I am sure we'll have a couple of pints when i come upstairs to join you,I will pay for the
169) |
Jim Foley  |
Location: Glasgow,Scotland  |
 Saturday, December 12, 2015 04:29 PM
I visited 9/11 memorial,first time in N.Y. since 2005,I discovered namesake had been lost in tragedy,could be long lost relative,I feel so proud of his testimony,Mike done us Foley's proud,God Bless Mate. Jim Foley xxx.
168) |
Mike Ward  |
Location: Tampa, Florida  |
 Saturday, September 26, 2015 09:17 PM
God bless you. You blessed your family and this world with your presence. I have visited your photos on line and I saw your photo at the Ground Zero Memorial when I visited NYC last October. I was touched by how many people died that day especially the very young. I took the liberty of taking a photo of your picture with my cell phone because I want to remember you and the sacrifice you made. For inspiration, I look at your photo each and every day. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that I will have the privilege of meeting you in our next life. Your were truly an outstanding man. Your family was blessed to have you in their presence and I feel sure that you cherished each and every day you spent with them. Until we meet again my younger Brother Mike
167) |
Mark W Gregory  |
Location: Irving, Texas  |
 Saturday, September 12, 2015 10:38 PM
I could not let this time of year go by without extending my prayers of strength and condolences to the entire Foley family. I can only begin to imagine the overwhelming grief & emptiness you all must feel over the loss of your Tommy these past 14 years. Tommy's zest for life and his courage give me personal strength every single day of my life. It is because of Tommy that I face everyday as if God were giving me my last. Tommy is my inspiration. If ever I can do anything for you all, Please contact me anytime. I owe so much to Tommy for his spiritual encouragement everyday of my life. I pray for his soul and the souls of his 342 firefighter brothers who join Tommy in God's Glorious Kingdom. I personally thank them all for being American Heroes to me and to all Americans. These brave men all hold Great Places of Honor at God's Table. Love and Respect them all!!!! ~~~~Mark in Dallas
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Lisa Harrison  |
Location: Manchester  |
 Friday, September 11, 2015 05:42 PM
This is such a sad time of year but we must never forget the tragedy this day brought 14 years ago! To all the people who lost their lives that day including the brave heroes like Thomas rest in peace and I hope the family know there are people out there whose thoughts and love are sent to them!
165) |
Veronica  |
Location: Bronx NY  |
 Friday, September 11, 2015 05:14 PM
Today is 911. As I remember that tragic day and you were taken from your love ones and family, I think of you every time I pass Squad 41 in the Bronx because you worked there for 9 years. You worked where I lived all my life and my son would pass the firehouse everyday when he was 2 yrs old with my sister, to say good morning to all the firefighters.He is now 18 years old. I want to say thank you for protecting all of us in the neighborhood. You are truly missed. RIP Tommy!!
164) |
Evelyn Garcia  |
Location: Chino Hills, CA  |
 Friday, September 11, 2015 04:19 PM
Thinking of all the men and women who gave up their lives that day.
 Friday, September 11, 2015 03:15 PM
Remembering you, a true American hero, on this day. Thank you for all that you did for others. Rest in peace, Tommy.
162) |
David Snijders |
 Friday, September 11, 2015 10:15 AM
Tommy boy it's been 14 years now but you're still missed
161) |
Tammie Boylan  |
Location: Jupiter, Florida  |
 Friday, September 11, 2015 09:32 AM
Thinking of you and your family today.