Firefighter Thomas J. Foley, 32, who was killed in
the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001,
leaves behind an extraordinary story. Legacy of a Young Hero
documents the life of this New York City Firefighter, who lived his life
with brilliant energy and compassion. This film takes you through his
adventurous, unique and certainly filled life, as well as the special
relationships he created along the way. The way that Tommy lived his
life, and all that he accomplished in a short 32 years, is truly
inspirational. Enjoy this wonderful gift that my brother offers...
"Live life to the fullest!" It is my hope that it remains with each
of you for a lifetime. - Joanne Foley Gross Proceeds to benefit the FF Thomas J. Foley Foundation, a component fund of the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan. An Anthony Fiore Film www.oceanrockstudios.com |